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SAT codes for device 1005

Brands: Echostar 7100, 7120, 7200

016 GO,
012 Listings,
080 Recent,
144 home, 
208 Options, 
113 Scroll dwn,
076 Info,
236 PIP, 
241 Scroll UP, 

Other codes listed seem to work once you have the code 1005 upgraded in the remote. But here they are in case they aren't working for you.

179 Channel dwn,
014 Channel up, 
209 Down, 
049 Select 
145 Left, 
082 Power, 
108 Recall, 
017 Right, 
081 UP, 
051 View. 

I figured the following codes : 
046 30 sec ff, 
080 recent, 
110 FF, 
142 Pause, 
078 7 sec instant replay. 
018 Back

The official UEIC 0158 codes

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